When you try to build a development team, you can very often be blocked by a number of challenges: hiring takes months, candidates don’t possess high techncinal competence – there is no deep understanding of the platform and frameworks, management waits for a quality solution, but the deadlines are violated, and the budget is overspent

A dedicated team model implies hiring a close-knit team of professionals who are dedicated solemnly to your project. Atomazing provides a well-balanced IT team, the members of which have already worked together on the large-scale projects, have strong educational backgrounds and can deliver 15-20% more in result than individual people hired from the market.


As a technical leader, you have probably suffered from

the following challenges:

  • A need to get a more effective use of your time: the scope of your project is larger than your company can do on its own
  • Hiring from the market requires lots of work and lots of capital
  • A need of finding committed IT guys special/exclusive for your business
  • Your project requires a specific expertise
  • A quick ramp up time is needed plus the workload shifts frequently.
The best solution here is to hire a fully integrated or stand-alone managed IT team, that knows how to build processes and empower you with a wider pool of skills. Dedicated team model increases IT value-for-money and ROI in the long run, additionally it is more cost-effective compared to an in-house engineering team.Very often the dedicated team model is associated with unnecessary costs and underrated by the company’s executives. However, the dedicated team model is all about money-wise initiatives launch and their further alignment with the organization’s internal customers.


  • Eliminating the risk of making a bad hire
  • Short time to market (3 months) and a high success rate
  • Transparent communications and complete integration into your team
  • Dynamic pricing (scale-as-you-need)
  • No need to worry about taxes, insurance benefits, HR work
  • Reduced management, security and compliance risks
  • More focused approach, a development team that works only for your projects
  • Full control over the team members’ selection
Dedicated team model is a cost-effective and reliable method when it comes to outsourcing of a whole or a part of product development. It proved to bring value for different types of projects from scaling large platforms to building an MVP from scratch.
Do you have a product idea
that needs to be tested?

We will test the product idea and develop a prototype
  • Helping to refine the strategy, finalizing and testing hypotheses
  • Conducting CX-, SX-, competitive research
  • Developing a prototype
Are you in the definition phase
of a solution and need to create
an MVP?

We will launch an MVP in 3 months
  • Conducting UI/UX research
  • Forming the product MVP scope
  • Launching the MVP of the product
  • Conducting user testing
Are you ready to go to market
and require a turnkey development?

We will develop and implement all required functionality
  • Planning the implementation
  • Developing using Agile and DevOps
  • Providing fast Time-to-Market
  • Providing full technical support

Atomazing values a long-term engagement with our clients, that’s why our IT professionals concentrate on one project – yours. Our IT teams can join at any stage of the project lifecycle and dive into work right away, considering the unique needs of your business. Our IT teams lay the solid foundation, ask relevant questions, and work out the details for all the necessary processes. All that helps the client to get into production fast.

The composition of an IT team usually includes an architect, a developer, a system and business analyst, a DevOps engineer, a systems engineer, and others. There is always a team lead who plans all the tasks, tracks the progress so everything is done on time and on budget. The project tasks are seen in Jira, all the artifacts are stored in Confluence, so the client has access to the project documentation any time. There is also a dedicated Account Manager, who is available to contact by phone or email, including scheduled bi-weekly check-in calls to assist with any questions you may have.

Staffing an IT team is our strong point. Our recruitment process is well-organized, fully transparent and proves effective on many enterprise-level projects. It is conducted in accordance with your requirements. Every candidate goes through multiple internal evaluation stages, so you interview only the best candidates and –once a team member is chosen – we take care of all formalities.
High level of motivation and satisfaction
The team works as a unit, people are well-chosen
Lower price while maintaining quality
Doing more work than other teams with the fewest defects
Lots of experience in hyperautomation, delivering quality results from the start
Our own Internship Program which gives us an opportunity to find and train the most talented developers
A quick ramp up time – the team start working immediately, asking all the right questions so no cool down period is necessary
Working in Partnership with Business and IT. We build communications with Product Owners and the customer's IT team
Quick adaptation to the client’s needs: cutting or adding new people to the team depending on the progress. Once the initiative is launched and bringing value – the team is scaled up at no time
Loan in 7 minutes
Our IT team was involved in a unique large-scale project, that affected the efficiency of all departments of the bank. Legal entities-customers of the bank got the opportunity to receive a decision on a loan in a matter of minutes. MVP was developed in 3 months, after which the product was put into commercial operation.
Lending to legal entities online
As part of a large-scale project, the bank received a ready-made team, that started development right away. We developed and implemented a solution that matched the customer's new digital platform architecture. The bank’s customers got an opportunity to fill out applications and receive a decision on a loan in 5 minutes without the need to visit branches.
Mortgage automation
Our team fully automated the mortgage lending process. We analyzed business processes and determined the optimal user path. In just 3 months, a solution was developed, which enabled a switch from working in Excel and coordinating documents via e-mail to the use of the new online system.
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